Friday, June 17, 2011

Sean Bean, the defender of women...

   By now everybody knows about what happened the other day in London. If you don't know here is a link to the awesomeness.  How many people these days, let alone celebrities, would defend the honor of a woman? Why, Sean Bean would apparently! This, among the other things I have heard about him over the years, makes him seem more human that a lot of the other celebrities that are around these days. Not only does he play a badass in many of his films he is apparently of a similar disposition in real life. Kudos to you Mr. Bean! If I lived anywhere near you I would buy you a drink.

   On the other hand I have read some of the reactions to this event and they have made me sad. What the woman in question does for a living has nothing to do with the fact that she was harassed by a jerk and didn't deserve to be disrespected like that. It's nice to know that Sean Bean thinks the same way as I do. Chivalry is not dead.

   By the way, my first review will be up by Sunday morning.

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